This week the freshmen year started lessons, having completed their military training. I’ve enjoyed meeting them: since they’re new I’m their first Western teacher so I feel like they’re properly my classes.
Also I got to name them. They all need English names for class so I handed out lists upon lists of names for them to choose. Most picked ones off the list and I helped a few find ones which sounded a little like their Chinese names. Of course, some had their own ideas. I couldn’t convince Seven to change her name but Purple became Sophie half way through class. Of course, Joyce became Happy, so it sort of balanced out. I also have a Cloudy. But the prize for best name goes to Dragon Knight. He was adamant that he wanted it, even when I told him he’d have it for 3 years. Brilliant. Later on he tried to change it to ‘Luffy’, but I was having none of it.
Registers are going to be entertaining.
My second lot of freshmen were great: really excited and keen to learn English. Although it turns out the main reason they all want to learn is to marry a foreigner. They are confused as to why I don’t have a boyfriend/am not married to Terry. But then they also confused about why I don’t have blue eyes. Chrissy, who also has brown eyes, asked her class what colour her eyes were. They said blue. Maybe they think we’re trying to trick them.
The girls wouldn’t stop trying to take photos of me on the sly with their phones so eventually I gave in and ended up having photos with most of the class. It meant I got one of them too.
That’s Heaven in the middle. She had already picked her name before I handed out the sheets.
Freshers are fun.